Climate Policy Database
What do you need to know about the database?
The database contains national mitigation policies and is updated regularly. Planned policies are not included in the database, except for energy and emissions targets for the post-2020 period, reported as nationally determined contributions (INDCs).
Database Administrator:
The Climate Policy Database is maintained by NewClimate Institute with support from Wageningen University and PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. It aims to gather information on climate mitigation policies and benchmark these against a policy matrix representing a comprehensive policy package to mitigate climate change. The database covers national mitigation-related policies and is updated periodically. Planned policies are excluded, except for Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) for the post-2020 period.
Source: climatepolicydatabase.org
What data are included in the database?
By entering a simple keyword, you can access the following information:
- Name of the policy
- Sector
- Policy type
- Country
- Date of decision
Clicking on the policy name provides additional details, including:
- Short description
- Jurisdiction
- Policy objective
- Policy instruments
- Implementation state
- High impact
- Source of reference
- Last update
The data can also be exported and downloaded in CSV format.
How to search the database?
You can search the database using a simple keyword. The database allows filtering by country and date, and results can be sorted by the date of the decision. Filters available for narrowing down results include:
- Country
- Date of decision
- Impact (any, high, unknown)
- Status
- Jurisdiction
- Policy objective
- Mitigation area
- Sector
- Policy instrument
You can also search for content in specific sectors, such as agriculture and forestry, buildings, electricity and heat, general, industry, transport, and more.
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