Finland Company and Organisation Search Database

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About The Database

Availability of Data:Free

Type Of Data:General

Database Operator: Gov. organisation

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Finland Company and Organization Search Database

What Do You Need to Know About the Database?

The Finland Company and Organization Search Database is a free and publicly available resource for finding information on Finnish companies and organizations. Users can search by name, company ID, or LEI code. The Y-ID format is 1234567-8, and the LEI consists of 20 alphanumeric characters. Additional search criteria are also available for detailed queries.

Database Administrator

The database is maintained by the PRH (Finnish Patent and Registration Office) and the Finnish Tax Administration as part of the Finnish Business Information System (BIS).

What Data Are Included in the Database?

After performing a search, the following information is available:

  1. Company name
  2. Business ID
  3. Company form
  4. Home municipality
  5. Main industry

Clicking on the result reveals additional details such as:

  1. Auxiliary company name
  2. EUID
  3. Language
  4. Postal address
  5. Email
  6. Website
  7. Phone
  8. Registrations (type, status, start date)
  9. Prepayment register check dates
  10. Tax debt register
  11. Business ID history
  12. And more

How to Narrow Your Search

You can refine your search using additional options such as:

  1. Show only valid companies and entities
  2. Show companies and communities that have closed their operations
  3. Search by company form, home municipality, or main line of business

How to Search the Database?

In addition to the simple search, you can search using the following criteria:

  1. Company form
  2. Home municipality
  3. Main line of business
  4. Valid companies and organizations
  5. Closed down companies and organizations

Related Databases

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You can directly access the Finland Company and Organization Search Database by visiting the following link:
Finland Company and Organization Search Database.


Short Info