EBSCO GreenFILE Research Database
What do you need to know about the database?
EBSCO GreenFILE is a free research database covering all aspects of human impacts on the environment. It includes a collection of scientific, governmental, and public interest titles on topics such as global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling.
GreenFILE explores the links between the environment and various disciplines, including agriculture, education, law, health, and technology. Key subjects include:
- Global climate change
- Green building
- Pollution
- Sustainable agriculture
- Renewable energy
- Recycling
Source: ebsco.com
Database Administrator:
EBSCO Industries, Inc.
What data are included in the database?
You can search the database by entering the article, journal, book, or content title. The following types of information are available:
- Title of the content
- Content
- Short description
- Subject areas
- Place of issue
- Database
- Author
- Document type
- Subject search terms
- Geographic concepts
- Abstract
- Author affiliations
- Word count of full text
- Inventory number
- Publisher
- And more
How to search the database?
You can use a simple keyword for a quick search. Additionally, an advanced search feature allows you to narrow down results using the following filters:
- Full text
- References available
- Scientific (peer-reviewed) journals
- Release date
- Cover story
- Number of pages
- Publication type
- Source type
Advanced Search Fields:
- All text
- Author
- Title
- Subject terms
- Journal title/source
- Abstract
The advanced search feature also allows users to combine multiple fields and apply additional filters for better results.
Additional Features:
Users can further refine their results by exploring specific publications and subject areas available in the database.
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