Ireland Company Search Database

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About The Database

Availability of Data:Free Partly paid

Type Of Data:General

Database Operator: Gov. organisation

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Ireland Company Search Database, CORE

What Do You Need to Know About the Database?

The Ireland Company Search Database is a free resource to search for Irish companies by name or number. Access to basic company information is free, but additional data or services may incur a fee. Under Irish company law, all documents submitted by companies are publicly available. Company profiles, including officers, registered fees, and a list of documents, can be purchased. The database is maintained by the Companies Registration Office (CRO).

What Data Are Included in the Database?

After a search, the following information is available for free:

  1. Company name
  2. Company number
  3. Type
  4. Status
  5. Registration date

Click on the "View Details" button for additional free information:

  1. Next annual return
  2. Registered address

The following services or information typically incur a fee:

  1. Duplicate certificate (BN)
  2. Business name profile
  3. Last month's statement
  4. Short certificate for business names (public service use only)

How to Search the Database?

You can search the database by company/business number or name. There are multiple ways to search by name:

  1. Names containing specific words: Searches for names that include the given terms.
  2. Starts with: Searches for names starting with a specific phrase.
  3. Exact match: Searches for names that exactly match the entered text.
  4. Substring search: Filters common words like "Ireland," "Limited," and special characters (e.g., spaces, commas, hyphens) from company names.

Additional filters available for narrowing your search include:

  1. Entity type
  2. Auditor
  3. Disqualified/restricted persons
  4. Contains word
  5. Starts with
  6. Exact match

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Visit the Ireland Company Search Database for more details: Ireland Company Search Database.

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