Ireland Company Search Database, CORE
What Do You Need to Know About the Database?
The Ireland Company Search Database is a free resource to search for Irish companies by name or number. Access to basic company information is free, but additional data or services may incur a fee. Under Irish company law, all documents submitted by companies are publicly available. Company profiles, including officers, registered fees, and a list of documents, can be purchased. The database is maintained by the Companies Registration Office (CRO).
What Data Are Included in the Database?
After a search, the following information is available for free:
- Company name
- Company number
- Type
- Status
- Registration date
Click on the "View Details" button for additional free information:
- Next annual return
- Registered address
The following services or information typically incur a fee:
- Duplicate certificate (BN)
- Business name profile
- Last month's statement
- Short certificate for business names (public service use only)
How to Search the Database?
You can search the database by company/business number or name. There are multiple ways to search by name:
- Names containing specific words: Searches for names that include the given terms.
- Starts with: Searches for names starting with a specific phrase.
- Exact match: Searches for names that exactly match the entered text.
- Substring search: Filters common words like "Ireland," "Limited," and special characters (e.g., spaces, commas, hyphens) from company names.
Additional filters available for narrowing your search include:
- Entity type
- Auditor
- Disqualified/restricted persons
- Contains word
- Starts with
- Exact match
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Visit the Ireland Company Search Database for more details: Ireland Company Search Database.
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