Shelby County Auditor Real Estate Search

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Availability of Data:Free

Type Of Data:General

Database Operator: Gov. organisation

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Shelby County Auditor Real Estate Search

What do you need to know about the database?

The Shelby (Ohio) County Auditors Real Estate Search website is a publicly accessible database containing information on real estate in Shelby County. This database is maintained by the Shelby County Auditor's Office and is designed to allow users to search for property information by owner name or other criteria such as address or parcel number.

Key features of the site include property ownership information, assessed values, tax information, sales history, and property characteristics such as lot size, type, and building specifications. This information is useful to a wide range of users, including prospective home buyers, real estate professionals, researchers, and local government officials. The database allows for quick searches and provides detailed reports that can help assess property values or understand market trends within the county.

The search tool also helps users understand property tax obligations, historical changes in ownership, and the financial status of properties, such as liens or foreclosures. The platform is simple and user-friendly, making it an effective tool for obtaining comprehensive property data. In summary, the Shelby County Auditors Real Estate Search website is an essential resource for anyone in need of accurate and up-to-date real estate information in Shelby County.

Database Administrator

Shelby County Auditor's Office (Ohio)

What data are included in the database?

Once you start the search, the results will be displayed. Typical types of information displayed for the results are:

  1. Photo of the property
  2. Property number
  3. Owner
  4. Location
  5. Land use
  6. Acres

Click on the property number to see more information about the property:

  1. Summary: Property (tax district, school district, neighborhood, subdivision, map number, routing number), Owner (contact, owner name), Deed (legal description, date sold, sales amount, acres, volume/page), Taxpayer (contact), Values (land use), Current Charges (full rate, effective rate, qualifying rate), Future Charges (type, description, amount).
  2. Tax: Current Taxes (gross, credit, non-business credit, homestead, owner occupancy credit, total real property taxes, etc.), Future Charges (type, description, amount).
  3. Transfers: Transfer history (date, buyer, contact, seller, conveyance, deed type, volume/page, sales amount, valid, number of properties).
  4. Surveys: Survey history (date, legal, acres, subdivision, map number, routing number, volume/page).
  5. History: Timeline.
  6. Payment History: Date and amount.
  7. Value History: Tax year, land use, land, improvement, total.
  8. CAUV Soil Breakdown: CAUV savings, CAUV soil breakdown.
  9. Land: Type, dimensions, description, value.
  10. Commercial Buildings, Dwellings, Other Improvements, Sketch:
  11. Levy Distribution: Diagram, levy name, levy year, tax rate, effective rate, amount.
  12. Tax Estimator: Current (class, tax district, taxable value (100%)), Proposed (class, tax district, taxable value (100%)).
  13. Map This Parcel:
  14. Tax Card:

How to search the database?

Searching the database is quick and easy. You can search using the following search types:

  1. Name: Tax year and name.
  2. Location: Tax year, street number, pre-direction, street, street suffix, post-direction, unit designators, unit, city, state, ZipCode.
  3. Number: Tax year and property number.
  4. Sales: Tax year (from, to), sale amount, sale date, year built, living area, number of stories, bedrooms, acres, land use, tax districts, school district, valid sale.

You can further narrow your search using the "Include Property Types" section, where checkboxes allow filtering by property or manufactured housing.

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You can directly access the Shelby County Auditor Real Estate Search here.

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