Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating Database

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05 Jun, 24 5:08 pm Hover for Location

About The Database

Availability of Data:Free

Type Of Data:General

Database Operator: Company

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Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating Database

What do you need to know about the database?

The Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings Database is a free and online database that helps you view companies' ESG risk ratings. The database provides instant access to companies' ESG risk ratings using the quick search tool. You can start the quick search by company name or by ticker. The database also includes built-in help for each data type, which provides more information about each data type.

You can learn more about Sustainalytics ESG risk ratings from a number of explainer videos on the site, such as:

Explainer Videos:

  1. What are the ESG Risk Ratings?
  2. How do the ESG Risk Ratings work?
  3. What are Material ESG Issues?

The videos are available on the Sustainalytics website. The quickest way to get there is to click on the red OPENING button at the end of the blog article.

What data are included in the database?

Click on any business name in the results list to see the following information:

  1. Company name
  2. Industry group
  3. Country/region
  4. Identifier
  5. Short description
  6. Full-time employees
  7. ESG risk rating
  8. ESG risk assessment score
  9. Ranking information
  10. Last full update
  11. Last update
  12. Etc.

Database Administrator:


How to search the database?

The site has a quick search function where you can search by typing in the name of the business and its ticker. The search is also facilitated by a filter function. You can filter by industry and by rating. The following filter options are available for the rating filter:

  1. All
  2. Negligible risk
  3. Low risk
  4. Medium risk
  5. High risk
  6. Severe risk

The industry filter can be narrowed down to a number of sectors, such as:

  1. Aerospace & Defense
  2. Auto Components
  3. Automobiles
  4. Banks
  5. Building Products
  6. Chemicals
  7. Commercial Services
  8. Construction & Engineering
  9. ... (and many more)

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Visit the Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating Database for more details.

Short Info