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About The Database

Availability of Data:Free

Type Of Data:General

Database Operator: Gov. organisation

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What do you need to know about the database?

Free database provides standardized information on plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens found in the USA. The PLANTS database lists plant characteristics, names, taxonomy, and symbols. It contains detailed biological and ecological information on thousands of plant species. The database also includes maps and downloadable data sheets. The site is suitable for students, consumers, and researchers alike due to its detailed nature.

Database Administrator

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); Natural Resources Conservation Service

What data are included in the database?

You can search the database simply by keyword. Click on the result and the following data types are typically available:

  1. The name of the plant
  2. Symbol
  3. Group
  4. Duration
  5. Growth habit
  6. Native status
  7. Fact sheet (DOC and PDF)
  8. Plant guide (DOC and PDF)
  9. Kingdom
  10. Subkingdom
  11. Superdivision
  12. Division
  13. Class
  14. Subclass
  15. Order
  16. Family
  17. Genus
  18. Species
  19. Map
  20. Pictures of the plants
  21. Subordinate taxa
  22. Invasive/noxious
  23. Wetland
  24. Related links (additional references, related websites)
  25. Data source (last revised by, curated and maintained by, data documentation)
  26. Characteristics
  27. Etc.

How to search the database?

You can search the database simply by keyword. The website has a basic search and you can also search using the following filters: scientific name, common name, symbol, family.

You can browse plants in the database with a comprehensive detailed search. The following detailed search types are available: characteristics search, duration search, fact sheets/plant guides, group search, growth habit search, image search, invasive/noxious search, rarity search, state search, wetland search. The following filters are also available to narrow down the results: duration, fact sheet/plant guide, group, growth habit, images, invasive status, nativity status, noxious status, rarity status, state/province, wetland region.

Additional Information

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You can directly access the USDA USA PLANTS Database.

Short Info